An adult mucus extractor is a simple to use and handy device for applying mucus with a simple wet wipe. You can easily carry it with yourself and apply it to the infected area. You might be wondering, how would one use this thing. To better understand just what you need to do, you may first take a look at the following explanation.
As we all know, Mucophagy is a process wherein the bacteria in our body eats the food particles that are not good for us. And as it digests these particles, it also tries to expel them out. Unfortunately, it does not work well without the assistance of bacteria. The digestion process stops and we start having difficulties in digesting foods. This is because of the fact that the bacteria in our body are unable to break the food into smaller parts. The result of this is the accumulation of waste inside the digestive tract and the inflammation of the intestinal lining, which causes further damage.
When you find yourself in this kind of situation, you will start to have a runny nose. And since mucus is the major component of the nasal secretions, you will end up having a stuffy nose with constant mucus discharge. You will also start to have itchiness in the infected area. These are only some of the side effects that you can expect when an extreme case of mucus accumulation occurs. Because of this, most people resort to consulting doctors, who in turn recommend them to buy an adult mucus extractor.
But apart from these kinds of treatments, there is another way to solve this problem. And this method does not require you to buy any expensive medication. All you need is to use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol solution to scrape off excess mucus. You may use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol as well. But be sure to use the alcohol-soaked swab only on the infected area and not the surrounding area where you will apply this treatment.
You can do this task twice a day. Just be sure to clean the mucous area after each treatment. Do not forget to wear sterile gloves when you perform this process. By doing this, you are assured that your hands will remain bacteria free and your hands will be clean as well.
Aside from swabbing with alcohol solutions, there are other ways to effectively remove excess mucus. You may also try gargling with salt water or using a facial steamer to clear out the nasal passages. But these methods are quite messy. Another option that you can do to remove mucus is through the use of an adult mucus extractor. An extractor is basically a thin stainless steel instrument that has a round shape. It has a hollow inside where you can place the head of the extracted mucus dropper on to get an easy and effective extraction every time.