The best nasal cannula for oxygen is designed for maximum comfort. Comfort is important, not only during the day, but also while sleeping. The device must fit properly so that you can breathe easily. You should be able to eat and speak while using supplemental oxygen. A comfortable nasal cannula can make breathing easier and improve your sleep quality. Here are some tips for finding the right one:
Consider the shape and size of your nose. Not all nasal cannulas are created equal. For instance, some have curved prongs, while others have straight ones. If you don't mind a curved cannula, you may want to purchase the Precision Medical EasyPulse Oxygen Cannula, which has straight prongs. A nasal cannula that is comfortable for you will allow you to breathe easier without straining.
When purchasing your nasal cannula, check for a manufacturer's certification. If the manufacturer has passed rigid quality control tests, it is likely to be a reliable product. Ask the manufacturer about its quality control, if it is not, choose a different brand. Most cannulas come in three basic sizes, including an adult, pediatric, and special ones. If you are not sure, ask the manufacturer to show you their quality control policy. If it isn't, move on and find the best one for your needs.
Lastly, make sure your cannula fits correctly. If you're worried about your ears, the Salter Style Micro Nasal Cannula is designed to minimize discomfort. It also features a 3-channel safety tubing system to ensure uninterrupted oxygen supply. And don't forget about the size - these cannulas are a bit smaller than the others. They're also lightweight and comfortable to wear.
To prevent infection, make sure to change your cannula regularly. Most manufacturers recommend that you change your cannula after every three to five weeks, but you can extend the life of the device by replacing it after every three to five months. After each use, you should disinfect it with an alcohol wipe. Changing cannulas is an important part of oxygen therapy. Always follow your doctor's instructions and make sure your cannula is free of bacteria.
The best nasal cannula for oxygen should also be flexible enough for the patient. This is because the tube attached to the oxygen device can pinch the septum and cause discomfort. In such cases, you can get a flexible nasal cannula or a thin one. The only problem with these cannulas is that they can't fit everyone, so you should always buy one that fits your needs.
When choosing the best nasal cannula for oxygen, make sure it's leakproof. This helps prevent it from twisting. Moreover, it's made of soft material so that it's hardly noticeable when in use. It also features three-channel tubing for uninterrupted oxygen supply. While you are using the cannula, don't twist or twinkle it. Otherwise, it will obstruct the flow of oxygen. Likewise, make sure to keep children out of reach of the system if you're using one.